Aloha DailyBloggers and especially Nicholas from Honululu,
of all possible places Saarbrücken might look like, this seems to be the most unlikely one, but today I really had the impression it looks like Honululu, since the "Saar beach" was opened.
It's the first weekend that PotatoIsland, a little beach along the river Saar (with cocktail bars), will be accessible to visitors and party-people again (for the second year).
PS: Like Eric, I also had a private moment with Tom Cruise today... So salut to Paris as well! =)

PPS: Today is a theme day for our CityDailyPhoto-community. We were supposed to show something that refers to or looks like another city. =)
I learn something new each day! Thank you.
Aloha! To you and Tom!
gosh, tom cruise is everywhere!!!
I enjoy reading your exquisite hawaiian! - Aloha to you too and mahalo nui loa (thank you very much) for the link ;)
Why do they call it potato beach? I'm surprised how white the sand is! Never seen sand that white.
Oh yes, it's called Potato Beach because there is a new Saarland magazine called potato, and they obviously funded the whole Saarbeach-thing. There's logos of them everywhere, and all the cocktail bars also sell the magazines.
Let's see how long the sand stays like that... =)
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