The fans couldn't be as relaxed as usual, since there was a 1:1 after 90 minutes, 0:0 after another 30 minutes, until the penalty decided the game. Germany won! Again! =)
So that's a 4:2 for us coming with a ticket to the semi finals.
I'm off celebrating downtown now, will post some more pictures in my Photo Blog tomorrow!
Dont cry for the cup Argentina... *lol*
deutschland über alles!
I don't know if you know, but this is (an never was) NOT a part of the German hymn.
The part you're referring to belongs to the inofficial 4th verse that was written in 1921 by Albert Matthai. It was supposed to be a reaction to the defeat in WW1 and the peace treaty of Versailles.
It used to be sung by marines, combatants and German nationalists.
Today, it's still used by nationalists and Nazis to express their beliefs in the "superior German race".
I'm sure you didn't mean to, so don't use this part as our hymn. The actual lyrics are:
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit für das deutsche Vaterland! Danach lasst uns alle streben brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit sind des Glückes Unterpfand; Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes, blühe, deutsches Vaterland! Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes, blühe, deutsches Vaterland!
hey connie, wo bleiben die Bilder auf deinem Fotoblog. Ich war krank und konnte deshalb nicht selbst in die Stadt gehen und am Mittwoch muss ich so früh raus das ich unseren gloreichen Sieg über Italien auch nicht auf den Straßen feiern kann. Also bitte Bilder posten ;)
@edwin: we dont like this "part" of our hyme, its a 3.Reich thing and we are proud to be a new generation of Germans. We have black and brown People in our Nationalteam, and we love them!
please read my comment above, it's got nothing to do with the 3rd Reich really, they're just using something that was never an actual part of the hymn.
You're right with the new generation, I actually think that even the World Cup does its part, since we're hosting this thing and invite the world to join us celebrating.
Finally we get the chance to show that we're friendly towards other countries and we devellop a reasonable national proud just now.
I'm not very into football, but I like the way we're represented in the world and the way we change for the better, finally not being ashamed of our country!
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