Pretty nice play, and Germany's official third now... thanks to Schweiniiiii!
We can hear fireworks and and car horns outside, so there seems to be lots of partying going on there.
I think we'll head to France tomorrow to watch the finals, I'm sure they'll go nuts over the border =). Bonne chance!!!
Update: Vird called us some minutes after the game was finished to give us a ride to take us on a Car Corso around the city centre. You can see some pictures on my picture blog.
Allez les bleu!!!
Stuttgart ist viel schöner als Berlin!!!
Nach der WM ist vor der EM!
hab ich sonst noch Fussbalphrasen vergessen?
Achja, wer wird wohl Europameister 2008 UND Weltmeister 2010??? Die Franzosen sind dann ja wohl schon alle in Rente und die Italiener können nicht schon wieder die SChieris bestechen ;)...
Achja Klinsmann muss bleiben!
Oh to see lovebirds :)
hahaha - what a great idea for a pic - and so kewt! hope you guys had a great time in France!!! I saw the ending of the game and what a game it was
Hey, don't turn this into an adult site now your boyfrineds' around !
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