Before that, you could simply pay with cash, so nobody could prevent underage teenagers to buy cigarettes.
I'm still against those public machines, but at least there is some control now. BTW: The poster says "With card. Complicated without." (quite a stupid line, right?)
Wow! Though I guess an 18 yr old could just buy for his/her mates - same as in a shop, I guess!
Good news about the control.
smoking is really really not good.
shanghai daily photo
It’s not about EC-Cards, but about the GeldKarte. These are often combined, but not always. You can even see the GeldKarte (but no EC) logo on the low-res preview image!
Also, the legal age for smoking in Germany is indeed 16, which means that people aged 16 and 17 need to ask their banks to specifically store their birthdate on the card. By default, only ages 18+ get that.
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