Saarbrücken now rebuilds the savaged park that had still bomb craters from the Second World War in it, with the help of the European Project SAUL (sustainable and accessible urban landscapes).
The park was originally formed in 1769 until 1791, when Prince Ludwig zu Nassau-Saarbrücken reigned. It was part of his summer residence and there was even a little castle in it. Unfortunately, both the castle and the garden were destroyed while the French Revolution in 1793, but 100 years later a park was built there and the castle was replaced with a secondary school in 1956.
However, our town now tries to rebuild the park, keeping a simple structure (you can see the new layout on the sign) but not forgetting about the historic background that will be explained to the visitors with engraved metal plates on the ground.
I'll send you a picture once they're finished, but as you can see on todays' picture that might take a while... =)
Its a good thing reviving the park. I would be looking forward to its completion!
hahahahahaha OK, if I am still on this blog daily photo thing when that construction gets finished and I see a photo posted from you, I will send you a gift from Hawaii! Until then, I enjoyed the historical significance and detail - i can't even begin to think how long ago 1700s really is - strange concept to know people existed so long ago. I wish they preserved the castle. Its interesting how this area have gone through so many events. I hope there is no live ammunitions lying around - that would be dangerous. Imagine, only if the ground could talk, there would be many stories to tell!
Lucky you - in a while you'll have a nice park close to your home. Looking forward to the result.
Thanks for the information- really interesting. I hope that they do leave at least one bomb crater- I think it is good to remember all the different times the park has been through. I like the idea of a secondary school on the site!
ps. I saw my first world cup merchandise being advertised on TV this week (breakfast cereal)! Still hoping for the toilet paper with the quiz on it!
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