I had an encounter with this cute green caterpillar, and was reminded of the book by Eric Carle (It's called "Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt" in German). Oh, sweet childhood memories!
I saved it during a bus trip downtown, and let it run over my hand during the ride. When I got out of the bus I let it crawl on a big tree, let's hope it'll be a beautiful butterfly one day. =)
so sweet of you! i on the other hand would be afraid of it ,even a tiny one *blush*
It looks like Wellington and AntiguaDailyPhoto and you posted insect/bug phtos yesterday.
I love it! I hope Thien (my fellow San Antonio blogger) doesn't see...she like fotoaddict is very afraid of caterpillars.
that was very kewl of you to place it back in nature =D
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