Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Golden Graffiti

This graffiti looks quite boring in reality, but when the sun hit it, it looked sooo shiny, almost like gold.


Anonymous said...

That Photo is really wonderful. Would you mind if I post it im my blog?
I'm living right now in Hamburg, but I'm from Saarbrücken and I like to take a look at my hometown from time to time. That's why I continuously like to visit your photoblog.

BarelyLiegl said...

Hey markus,
if you link me, and name MoonSoleil as the author I'm fine with you using my pics in your blog. =)
I'm glad you like it, if you want to see anything specific, please tell me, and I'll try to take a picture of it...
Thanks for your comment,

Kala said...

Wow looks like you got some expatriots - very coool - so how are you feeling? You seem to be out and about so tht is a good sign - or were you just out for a quick graffiti then back into the house for sleep? =D