It's around 1.5 degees C at the moment, and if I wouldn't wear my big jumper, socks and fluffy slippers as well as having my warm cat on my lap, I'd probably freeze to death.
That's why I want to recall a nice sunny day from two weeks ago... Ah, I immediately feel better! A-a-atchoo!!!
Hm, I am kind of re-thinking my decision to return from Ireland next Friday ;o)
Here it's at least ~14 degrees in day time.
Are you from Saarbrücken?
hahahaha I like the sound effects of the sneeze - glad u still got your sense of humor despite being sick - its about 29 celsius here but don't get me wrong, it gets kinda cold in the evening - ok, not that cold that I would wear socks and jumper, but cold enough to keep my shirt on.
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... =)
Here you wear around 3 layers of T-Shirts and Jumpers, warm winter coat, scarf, hat... oh yes, and trousers and woollen socks and boots. We look like we're going on a hike in the Arctic!
over the day we had about 10°C. But in the morning its pretty could.
Yep, I am going to live again in the infamous Halbergstraße from next Friday on after having spent 3 months in Ireland: dubblog
Well marcus, welcome back then! =)
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