Anyway, there are some funny schedules on the bus stops, like this one at Bahnhofstrasse: Bus no. 153 leaves exactly once a week on Sundays at 5:29 am, and goes just one stop further from there (to the train station, which is about 100 metres away from that stop). Amazing.
Now that's what I call a waste of a sheet of A4-paper... =)
Hee, that is hilarious! What a pointless bus line...
And if you look closely (and know German) you could read the travel time for the trip is 1 MINUTE! *hahah*
haha, this is funny... and it's also a waste of a bus, not to mention fuel. I'm assuming this was just a mistake on the printed schedule...?? was it?
Sounds to me as though perhaps route 153 has to preserve at least one journey a week on part of the route in order to preserve it from falling into the hands of a competitor which might perhaps threaten some future regeneration of the route.
A bit like a railway station near us that has just one stopping service a week, but that is enough to prevent the company in charge from having to going through the expense and beaurocracy of actually closing it down.
once a week?!! Wow if you miss that bus, youre in trouble! I hope the city provides other modes of transportation or that would really be sad.
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