Saturday, December 02, 2006


This is a picture of my Taekwon-Do trainer Franz Purzer. He does Taekwon-Do since about 30 years, has the black belt 5th dan and is a trainer at university as well as the Son Jong-Ho Classic Taekwon-Do Center Saarbrücken.
(There are some impressive pictures on this website, so make sure to check it out. =)

This picture should explain why I could hardly cut half of his body off for the picture yesterday... half of his leg would have been missing! *gasp*


Jing said...

so cool posture~~
oh, i like to see guys training the TKD or Wushu, so cool~~~


Unknown said...


gehst du nur an der uni ins Training? Ich hab heute morgen Franz von dem Bild erzählt. Und er meinte du wärst ziehmlich gut und solltest unbedingt mal im Center vorbeischauen.

gruß spot