Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Funny Bus Times

In November 2006, new bus schedules were introduced. Since then arriving at university on time got quite hard, and many other people are complaining about the buses as well.
Anyway, there are some funny schedules on the bus stops, like this one at Bahnhofstrasse: Bus no. 153 leaves exactly once a week on Sundays at 5:29 am, and goes just one stop further from there (to the train station, which is about 100 metres away from that stop). Amazing.
Now that's what I call a waste of a sheet of A4-paper... =)


Victoria said...

Hee, that is hilarious! What a pointless bus line...

necrotech said...

And if you look closely (and know German) you could read the travel time for the trip is 1 MINUTE! *hahah*

AinZ said...

haha, this is funny... and it's also a waste of a bus, not to mention fuel. I'm assuming this was just a mistake on the printed schedule...?? was it?

Gerald (SK14) said...

Sounds to me as though perhaps route 153 has to preserve at least one journey a week on part of the route in order to preserve it from falling into the hands of a competitor which might perhaps threaten some future regeneration of the route.

A bit like a railway station near us that has just one stopping service a week, but that is enough to prevent the company in charge from having to going through the expense and beaurocracy of actually closing it down.

Kala said...

once a week?!! Wow if you miss that bus, youre in trouble! I hope the city provides other modes of transportation or that would really be sad.