Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Favourite Bird

May I introduce my favourite bird in the whole world to you? It's no fancy colourful bird, but a common house sparrow... I love their tiny legs, and the way they jump with them. =)
This is a female sparrow, waiting to get some bread crumbs in front of Burger King. Cuuuute! (Unfortunately, my cat likes them too... =( )


GiuCe said...

ohhh sweety bird!!!

great shot
ina good time ;)

midnitebara said...

I've been trying to take a shot of the sparrows that perch at my window but they are so quick to get away.

nice shot!

Kala said...

I think the anatomy of birds are just fascinating - their hallow bony structures that allow them to fly so gracefully. How is it that birds can hold on to the sides of buildings without falling? Too bad cats love birds not in the same way haha

BarelyLiegl said...

Thanks everyone for your comments on that cute birdy. =)

Great new picture!
I thought you don't have sparrows in Japan (I read that somewhere), but they seem to be everywhere now, don't they?

If I wold be that weight, I could hold myself on the side of buildings as well. =)
Yeah, hollow bones would come handy. Haha.