Since I love water (always have and always will =), I decided to take a picture at the river Saar. Unfortunately, Saarbrücken has no lake to swim in, and the river is not too clean, so I'm just standing close to it.
Actually, I was lucky to take a picture outside, it was raining all day and just stopped when I took the photo. Otherwise you would have gotten a pic of me in bed, because that's by far my most favourite place anywhere in the world! =)
There are many other cities that took part in today's theme day (unfortunately not all of them), so make sure to visit their sites as well!
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The bed would have been a fun idea! :)
I could be wrong, but I think you're the only red-head in the DP family!
That is too funny! I thought the same thing, but then thought better of it. But Mr. 9-0-9 featured on Eric's links often does that on the weekends. Guys can get away with so much more. . .
A beautiful river, and love seeing you,
wow what a nice smile!! Nice to finally meet you :)
what else can I say - ur a heart stopper - your bf must smile everyday when he sees you!
How nice! :-)
Lovely photo moonsoleil - I share (well not literally!) your favourite place.
Hey i thought you were a cartoon and in the end you are a nice looking girl in flesh!
your hair really is orange! Lovely :)
Hi moonsoleil:
I just have known about self portrait. You are so nice. Nice orange!!!
Greetings from Perú
Everyone has already said it...but I love your beautiful red hair. :)
It made me smile to read your comment about pic getting mixed up with a photo of underwear model - because you should see my friends - they could do a whole 12 month calendar - one of my friend models and the kids I coach alway ask me if I saw Coach so and so on the poster in the shopping mall - ahhhhh - I did the photo only as a last minute spur of the moment for the DP theme because I had nothing better and actually felt kinda weird about posting it and was going to take it off but someone had already posted a comment, but I have to say, gurls from Germany rule! hehe I am serious - ur bf must be drunken happy even without a drop of alcohol! =D
Hope he doesnt mind the comments hehe ;)
@Kala: Actually, the guy who sees her every day is me! :D
Therfore the smiling part rather applies to me than to her boyfirend! :P
(hehe, lucky me - just check the Yuakata pics if you don't believe me *lol*)
Hey guys and girls,
thank you so much for your lovely comments *blush* - they were really sweet.
Sorry I'm not a comic character, would be cool though... (but then my pictures would be far more loony and colourful) =)
Oh, yes, please do a calendar together with your hot friends, I'm sure it sells like crazy (that's 10 copies for me, please! =)
Well, I'm hoping to see more of your tattoos in the future... I'll keep track with a tally sheet. Right now, the counter is 5 (I think =).
Kiss and hug. See you later.
Kiss and kiss. Hear you later.
@everyone mentioning red/orange hair
I can't believe I'm the only one here... Unbelievable! Girls, go red! =)
So, you have red hair just like your cartoon!
Absolutely agree with you on the water thing. I also like that very much in a city.
Would have like the bed scene too btw. Very original!
So lovely :)
Hi Conny!
Wo liegen deine Bilder? Auf Flickr waere echt lustig, wir sind schon ganz viele aus MPI da.
PS: Tolles Blog, hab zufaellig gefunden.
You're charming, and look as mischievous as your cartoon :)-
I'm traveling to Saarbrucken in August, So I appreciate the photos of the area. Thanks
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