Saarbrücken has the peculiarity to be a town full of one-way-streets, and saying that is not an exaggeration. When I still had my car, my only way to survive here was to memorise every single one-way-street, that sometimes made a way 3 times as long as you would have taken if the road would have been directly connected.
I'm afraid situation about signs isn't so bad as here. In Germany I found them totally in accord with traffic condition. Unfortunately it's not the same in Italy. So, you see? Always there's someone in worse position :-)
Anything they do to regulate traffic better is well done, except for fines and radars of course :) I agree with Fabrizio as Italy and Spain are less regulated in that respect. It must be go with the Latin thing, you know.
that is crzy - Im trying to think - do Germany's cars have the driver seat on the right? hmmmm I like how you talk about the one way streets - interestin personal feel for the area - I am surprised they have so many signs - with the things I hear about how fast people drive in Germany, theres probably not a moments notice to read the signs!
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