The background is one of the parts of Saarbrücken that will change completely soon, since the motorway will be put into a tunnel and a wider space for walking and biking will be created there.
We have a Winner!
I chose a winner of the haiku (or rather spamku, as Gerald let me know =)... it's pattern is actually 6-7-5, but since these kind of poems are not real haiku anyway, I think I should let it count. It's some very sweet little lines, and I congratulate Carlos who does the wonderful Barcelona Photoblog for writing this:
Beauty Will Long Perdure
Thanks to Your Sweet Photographs
Keep Magic Alive
Please mail your address to blog@moonsoleil.de, and your surprise package will be on its way in the next days. =)
Thanks a lot to all writers, I appreciate your efforts a lot! Thank you also for your kind wishes!
PS: Happy Birthday cpt.atom and vird!!!
well done Carlos -- if your package is anywhere near as nice as the one I won from Conny last year you'll be delighted with it.
Thanks Conny. I am surprised I won. I used a syllable counter to check the number of syllables as English is not my native language. I was convinced they were seven but who knows. Anyway it is the good intentions what really counts. Thanks Gerald for the appetizer. I can't wait to see what's in there?
Carlos is a very lucky person to win a special package!!! This was fun a definitely creative - I found myself using my fingers to count the syllables - it was funny - hau'oli la hanau to Vird and Cpt. Atom! Sounds like comic book heros =)
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