I chose the mail box of our biggest mailing company, the Deutsche Post. They have the yellow mailboxes. On this picture, next to it there is a stamp vending machine.
1 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) - 2 Tokyo (Japan) - 3 Singapore by Zannnie - 4 Bandung (Indonesia) - 5 Sydney by Sally (Australia) - 6 Newcastle (Australia) - 7 Singapore by Keropokman - 8 Vantaa (Finland) - 9 Melbourne by John, (Australia) - 10 Stavanger (Norway) - 11 London by Ham (UK) - 12 Melbourne by Michael, (Australia) - 13 Nelson (New Zealand) - 14 Port Vila (Vanuata) - 15 Rotterdam (Netherlands) - 16 St Kilda (Australia) - 17 Budapest (Hungary) - 18 Tuzla (B&H) - 19 Hyde (UK) - 20 Maple Ridge (Canada) - 21 Grenoble (France) - 22 Greenville, SC (USA) - 23 Villigen (Switzerland) - 24 Albuquerque, NM (USA) - 25 Mazatlan (Mexico) - 26 Montréal (Canada) - 27 Stayton, OR (USA) - 28 Shanghai (China) - 29 Arradon (France) - 30 Sequim, WA (USA) - 31 Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) - 32 Seattle, WA by Kim (USA) - 33 Minneapolis, MN (USA) - 34 Millerton by Sharon, CT (USA) - 35 Cottage Grove, MN (USA) - 36 Naples, FL (USA) - 37 Jakarta (Indonesia) - 38 Tel Aviv (Israel) - 39 Auckland (New Zealand) - 40 Vatican via Brussels (Belgium) - 41 Stockholm (Sweden) - 42 Boston, MA (USA) - 43 New York City, NY (USA) - 44 Paris (France) - 45 Sydney by Nathalie (Australia) - 46 Wailea, HI (USA) - 47 Saint Paul MN by Carol (USA) - 48 Mexico by Poly - 49 Cape Town (South Africa) - 50 Kitakami (Japan) - 51 Little Rock, AR (USA) - 52 Madrid (Spain) - 53 Manila (Philippines) - 54 Menton (France) - 55 Monmouth County, NJ (USA) - 56 Monte Carlo (Monaco) - 57 Oliver (Canada) - 58 Seoul (Korea) - 59 Tenerife (Spain) - 60 Joplin, MO (USA) - 61 Lubbock, TX (USA) - 62 San Diego, CA (USA) - 63 Nottingham (UK) - 64 Kyoto (Japan) - 65 Cork (Ireland) - 66 Ampang (Malaysia) - 67 Miami, FL (USA) - 68 Selma, NC (USA) - 69 Seattle, WA by Susan (USA) - 70 London by Jonemo (UK)
Unusual colours. I missed your post earlier but am glad that you posted now so that we can see your mailboxes and check them out, too.
Ah, a yellow mailbox! Nice change! Most of the mailboxes I've seen so far (except France) were red. Thanks for doing the theme :)
What a smart idea to have the stamp machine next to the mail box!!
amazing that you still manage to keep up and partake in these theme days that I do not seem to remember to do - nice post
See you got my 70 links -- I seem to have another half dozen or so to add this morning! It has been fascinating seeing the different ones.
What an interesting Themeday! I was very supprised to see, how different mailboxes can look like! Very nice!!!
- mica
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