Friday, September 15, 2006

Cinema Foyer

Movie time - happy time!
Don't you love the smell of popcorn in the movie theatres? All the people, all the exitement, all the voices trying to figure out what the movie will be like... Well. I took this shot before the masses arrived. =)
It's the UT Kino, one of our "old" city cinemas. For two years or so, we also have a big cinema complex called "CineStar" which can't compare to the charme of the old ones, and is far more expensive.


Anonymous said...

I think we got this Cinestar for maybe 4 Years now...
But the City kinos have much more flair and are less expensive too ( and THX Sound ;) )

Anonymous said...

i miss sweet popcorn. but we only have the salted ones here. What about is your city?

Anonymous said...

Germany has sweet popcorn! ;-)
Yeah Cinestar really sucks, it's right on the border to the ghetto, and they rip you off wherever they can (smallest soft drink you can get is 0.5l for a gazillion Euros - 0.5L ? Hello? This is not the U.S....)