Monday, February 19, 2007


Carnival Monday (Rosenmontag) in Saarbrücken!
This is what it must have looked like today downtown, but since my sis and I are ill, I had to take a shot from yesterday's procession.


Dsole said...

Sorry to heard that!
I hope you didn't get sick because of the yesterdays candies! ;)
So get better, ok? Greetings from Madrid!

nowhereman said...

nice carnival....nice picture ....hope you are feeling better ....

Kala said...

I should send you some "Airborne" natural remedy - I don't know if youve heard of that before - my friend in Sweden likes it alot and thinks it helps - I take it from time to time when I feel like something is coming on - but anyway, the picture is very impressive - that is more people in your photo than all the people combined in my blog hahaha
Amazing how many people comes out to this event!