Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Registry Office Dudweiler

Dudweiler, that used to be Germany's biggest village, is now an official part of Saarbrücken.
It still has an own town hall and a registry office with some of the prettiest lamps I've seen around. Cute little dragons... =)


Pat said...

Great architecture shot. Very "regal" looking to me. Is the building very old?

Anonymous said...

예전에 저도 dudweiler 살았었죠.
KIST-Europe 이라고 그곳에 있었답니다.
인터넷 돌아보다 이곳에 들렀네요.
잘 구경하고 갑니다.
옛생각이 물씬 나네요~
건강하시고 오늘도 좋은 하루 되세요~~