Saturday, April 21, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Saarbrücken Daily Photo!

Wohoo, Saarbrücken Daily Photo is one year old!
We were celebrating at a sushi party today (actually we were celebrating the birthday of a friend who also had a house warming party). So that's 3 in 1 for tonight! =)

I just came up with the idea to have another competition: The one of you writing the most creative birthday wish as a comment, will win a surprise package from Saarbrücken!!!
There is one restriction though, since we celebrated having a sushi party: Your wish must be written in the form of a Haiku* (it's a Japanese poetry pattern, 5 syllables - 7 syllables - 5 syllables) !!!

The competition will be on for 3 days, until April 24th midnight (GMT).
So be creative and celebrate with me... =)

*If you want to read more about Haiku, check Wikipedia


Anonymous said...

Glückwunsch zum Einjährigen!

Jazzy said...

happy birthday Saarbrucken DP!

zweifler said...

herzlichen glückwunsch....
dein blog aus der saarbrücker heimat macht spass zu lesen....vor allem die bilder aus der innenstadt

TOG said...

We call those California rolls here. People who are afraid to eat sushi will take a roll. I make them when our avocados are ripe (3 avocado trees in the garden and 6 months of ripe fruit)

Gerald (SK14) said...

congratulations -- it may be warm enough here soon for me to wear your tee-shirt at last!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Saarbrucken DP too!
Greetings from Singapore!

I have not written Haiku before, hmmm shall i sit and ponder for the next few days :-)

Gerald (SK14) said...

Dear Conny

Love ya and all
but please please don't promulgate the myth that haiku is merely any old poem of 17 syllables.
I know I run the risk of sounding mean and pedantic even mentionng it.
Writing spamku [the name often given to 17-syllable non-haiku poems] can be fun and amusing and I'm all for having a bit of fun so

ignorance is bliss
but twelve months of photographs
are worthy of praise

Your link to the wikipedia entry for haiku is excellent as it debunks that myth.

cheers now

edwin s said...

herzlichen glückwunshen zum geburtstag!

time goes by quickly
when we are having such fun
enjoying the days.

To another fantastic year ahead.

Mandi said...

Happy birthday! Looking forward to seeing another 365 photos!

Anonymous said...

Que lo cumple feliz! Happy Anniversary to Saarbrucken DP!

Carlos Lorenzo said...

[Beauty Will Long Perdure
Thanks to Your Sweet Photographs
Keep Magic Alive]

Oh gosh I had to use a syllable counter for this. First time I try heiku. Happy anniversary MoonSoleil.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Oh.. Sorry I miss it. Happy Happy Anniversary to Saarbrucken DP !!!

BarelyLiegl said...

We have a Winner!
I chose a winner of the haiku (or rather spamku, as Gerald let me know =)... it's pattern is actually 6-7-5, but since these kind of poems are not real haiku anyway, I think I should let it count. It's some very sweet little lines, and I congratulate Carlos who does the wonderful Barcelona Photoblog for writing this:

Beauty Will Long Perdure
Thanks to Your Sweet Photographs
Keep Magic Alive

Please mail your address to, and your surprise package will be on its way in the next days. =)
Thanks a lot to all writers, I appreciate your efforts a lot! Thank you also for your kind wishes!

Kala said...

Congrats to Carlos!
This is a tad late since I've been caught up with thingies but in the spirit of participation, I thought I'll jus submit one for fun...

The Colors of spring
Sounds of birds, winds, ocean waves
Beautiful like you


BarelyLiegl said...

*bigkiss* to Kala for making me smile (and blush)... =)
Thank you!