Monday, May 29, 2006

Beam of Light

Since I didn't post a picture yesterday, I'll present you the last picture taken at the Katholikentag today.
They had a great light installation there, three green laser beams were connecting three churches in Saarbrücken representing the Catholic Trinity.
This is the view from the castle where you can see one of the beams piercing the sky.


Louise Starkey said...

Great colour!

AlexandLisa said...

Superman would definetly hate the place =D

Real cool shot and real cool idea. They have had a similar thing in Stockholm with bigger buildings but nothing like this. Cool!

M.K. Flem$ta said...

The laser thing is REALLY neat! When I go to Germany this summer, I'll have to check it out!

(I'm from Trier, I always drop by Saarbruecken to visit friends!)

Kris said...

Nice shot!

Kala said...

very kewl - I'm not sure what to make of it - its so flourescent green - I wonder why they chose green - as ppsed to blue or red or some other color. Nonetheless, it gives a very dramatic look - now we just need Darth vader and luke skywalker at the ends of those lasers ;)

Natalie said...

That green light is just really fun!

Nicola said...

Uh, quite a spooky light.

Anonymous said...

nein, das ist nicht die ansicht vom schloss. (es sei denn, die übersetzung ins deutsche übersetzt so falsch.) hier handelt es sich um die schlosskirche, die als museum dient. aber das schloss ist in der nähe.