Monday, May 22, 2006

Downtown View

This is a view from the castle over the not-that-pictoresque area of Saarbrücken.
First of all, you can see the motorway that runs along the bank of the river Saar (soon, this will be changed, the motorway will be in a tunnel then). It's not just too noisy to be that integrated into the town, it's also flooded at least once a year.
Also, you can see lots of buildings that seem to derive from the 50s or later. From what I have heard, many parts of Saarbücken were destroyed in WWII, which explains those ugly giants.
But at least there are many trees in the city and nice woods on the hills that surround the area.


Nicola said...

Sounds like it's gonna be quite a construction area then when they put it in a tunnel.

BarelyLiegl said...

Oh yes, I guess so... =(
But what it's supposed to look like seems worth it. They have set up a very informative website ( which also has some dran vsions of the project.
The motorway will be in the tunnel the, and you can walk the other side of the Saar as well on a nice area.

perle de rosée said...

Die Landschaft kenne ich. Und auBerdem is es so wolkig wie bei uns.