Thursday, May 25, 2006

Inside a Tent

Probably the most colourful tent that was put up at the Katholikentag here, is the tent of the Habibi Café Saarbrücken, that brings you closer to the Arab culture.
Young catholics can go into this tent, take off their shoes and enjoy a nice water pipe while listening to the information given by the staff.
As you can see on the picture, some of the youngsters don't listen THAT closely anymore (it's a young guy laying there, with one of the Turkish red hats in his hands)... so I'd be really interested what exactly is in the hookahs... =)


Carlos Lorenzo said...

Humm...I wonder, too. Getting real close to the Arab culture, real close.-)

Kris said...

someone told me once, "habibi" means "love you" ,,,like the sound.. Good pic :)