Sunday, May 21, 2006

Fat Boys

After the miserable day yesterday, I made up for it by visiting the Saarbrücken castle gardens today, where I had an encounter with these little guys.
I'm not really into those Rubens-esque statues, so I had a little laugh when I saw one of them riding an eagle (that looks like it doesn't really know what's going on) while holding a cup over his head (aha, drunkard), while the other one obviously tries to sexually harass him... =)


AlexandLisa said...

Haha, It looks like the boy to the left has grown up and turned into the man you see in my picture from the other day =D

That´s bloody comical =D

perle de rosée said...

What are doing this children. In the past they were "reifer" as today.

Louise Starkey said...

Your commentary makes this a funny photo- thanks for the laugh.

Kris said... gave a good interpretation ,.its cute,actually!

G Fraser said...

I probably would have walked past that little statue...very cute, and great interpretation. the lower one is clearly a nipple boy!