Saturday, May 20, 2006

House Arrest

Oh my, it was really raining cats and dogs today.
Just as I wanted to go and take a nice Daily Picture, the rain was pouring down like crazy, it even hailed big ice-balls.
So this is a picture of my backyard that I took undaunted by death... =)


Kala said...

hahahaha very funnyyyyy - "undaunted by death" - kewt play by play commentary - gosh those rain drops look very large!

Lisi said...

geez, same here in HK and I did the same thing and shot a lot of photos from my got the rain pretty well!

Nicola said...

Remember the saying "Ist der Mai kühl und nass, füllt's dem Bauern Scheun und Fass" (Cool and wet May fills the farmer's barn and barrel)... ;) I know, this doesn't really help, but sometimes days like that are nice too. Makes me want to have a nice cup of tea and read a good book!

perle de rosée said...

I find your backyard looks not bad. And the lilac there on the right, it must have a good "Duft".