Tuesday, August 15, 2006

German Garden Culture

My neighbour is on holidays at the moment, so I took the chance to take a picture of his garden (which should actually be a garden for all the tenants here, but never mind)... I guess this is what foreigners have in mind when they think of German garden culture, so here's the proof that it's actually true. =)
He's a proud Bavarian who moved here (there are two Bavarian flags, the blue and white ones), since the FIFA World Cup he also put a German flag there. Then he has several bird baths and birdhouses (which is like a drive-in for my cat) and who-knows-how-many garden gnomes. At least it's always nead and tidy there, as it should be for a proper German. =)


Gerald (SK14) said...

Love the garden gnomes.

Recently I saw a load for sale in Cheshire

BarelyLiegl said...

Really? Oh no, I hate them! =)

I wish my cat wouldn't bring gifts home, but believe me, I get about 2 mice or birds a week... =(
He's a real hunter!