Friday, August 25, 2006

St. Johanner Markt

I still had this picture of St. Johanner Markt from earlier this year. Since I'm in Leipzig at the moment, I can't take new ones, so I decided to finally use it, because I liked the white fountain against the clear blus sky.
The fountain is THE meeting point in Saarbrücken, whenever people of all ages want to meet downtown, they'll just say "See you at the fountain at 5 pm."... you can always see lots of waiting people there. =)


Ame said...

How romantic "Moon!" See you at the fountain...ahhhhh, I can already hear accordians playing...OOPS! Wrong country, LOL! Anyway, this is a beautiful're so lucky to live in a part of the world with such a visual smorgasbord! (=

Anonymous said...

Hi ya! Hey where is Leipzig?

Anonymous said...

To be precise, there are two favorite meeting points in Saarbrücken, the fountain and Karstadt. The latter is definitely preferred on rainy days, as you can stand under the roof while you're waiting...

@ame: "Wrong country"... well, true, but close:,+saarbr%C3%BCcken&ie=UTF8&z=13&ll=49.230938,6.976147&spn=0.069948,0.171318&om=1&iwloc=A (the green arrow marks the fountain ;-) and in the lower half, you can see France already...) And as for the "visual smorgasbord" part - there's a saying in Germany: "the neighbor's lawn is always greener", I bet a good amount of Saarbrücken people would prefer to live in California... ;-)

Anonymous said...

...hi schöne SB bilder

...hab hier auch was ::

...gruß uli